
Created With

linktyfon serve

storage Server-Side Command

alt_route Alias: tyfon s

Serves the functions exported from index.ts over network. Will reload the server when code changes, and will call tyfon build on the initial run if not built before or if built using an older version of TyFON.

1link$tyfon serve

# # 🚀 Serving exported functions on the netwrok ... # [INFO] 10:45:39 ts-node-dev ver. 1.0.0 (using ts-node ver. 9.0.0, typescript ver. 4.1.2) my-tyfon-server listening at http://localhost:8000

👉 WILL NOT call tyfon build on code change, so SDK metadata won't be updated! If you want to also rebuild SDK metadata on code change, use tyfon watch.

linkRunning Port

You can specify the server port via -p or --port:

1link$tyfon serve -p 3000

# # 🚀 Serving exported functions on the netwrok ... # [INFO] 10:45:39 ts-node-dev ver. 1.0.0 (using ts-node ver. 9.0.0, typescript ver. 4.1.2) my-tyfon-server listening at http://localhost:3000

linkEnvironment Variables

You can specify environment variables for the server process via -e or --env:

1link$tyfon s -e ENV=staging -e LOGS=/var/log/my-tyfon-server/

linkProduction Mode

You can serve the code in production mode by specifying -m or --mode:

1link$tyfon s --mode prod

In production mode, the built JS code will be used and live-reload will be turned off. Additionally, the TYFON_SERVE_MODE environment variable will be set to whatever mode you pass to --mode for the server process.

tyfon serveRunning PortEnvironment VariablesProduction Mode

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