Render-JSX is all about transpiling JSX, which needs to happen on the server-side (before you ship transpiled JavaScript to the client-side, for example). This means you need Node.js and some Node.js package manager (such as NPM or Yarn).
Setting up Render-JSX is pretty simple: you need to install the package render-jsx
and then configure
your transpiler properly. Easiest way to do that is to use one of the following starter projects:
You can also just get the package via NPM, though this would mean you would need to configure your transpiler as well (see the following section).
1linknpm i render-jsx
For configuration, you can include these pragmas at the beginning of your .jsx
Most common transpilers understand these pragmas:
1link/** @jsx renderer.create */
2link/** @jsxFrag renderer.fragment */
For project wide configuration, you need to configure your transpiler accordingly. Here
is how sample configuration for TypeScript
and Babel
(with @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
look like:
2link "compilerOptions": {
3link "jsx": "react",
4link "jsxFactory": "renderer.create",
5link "jsxFragmentFactory": "renderer.fragment",
6link "target": "es6",
7link "declaration": false,
8link "sourceMap": true,
9link "moduleResolution": "node",
10link "esModuleInterop": true,
11link "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
12link "lib": [
13link "es2017",
14link "dom"
15link ]
16link },
17link "include": [
18link "./src/**/*",
19link ]
2link "plugins": [
3link ["@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx", {
4link "pragma": "renderer.create",
5link "pargmaFrag": "renderer.fragment"
6link }]
7link ]